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Welcome in Surgisystems website, we hope you can find the included informations useful for you. Entering into downloads section (after registration) you will be able to obtain Winmed 5.2 Free Viewer. Winmed 5 Pro VP (together with the Galileo Target or DGT devices) represents, nowadays, the easiest tecnology to make the simulation of dental implants placement in stone models of the patients, without external services but only with your dental lab collaboration. Winmed software is not a medical device.

Winmed 5.2 Free Viewer software is available

OcchioLogo1.jpgWinmed 5.2 Free Viewer software is available in Downloads area. It is better, updated, more stable and increased in compatibility with a large amount of TC Scanners. It is also available Winmed 5.2 Pro VP software.

A short overview.

logo_screen.jpgSurgisystems team's objective is to provide cutting edge softwares implementing medical data manipulation, gathered from any advanced devices using the Dicom 3.0 standard. Do not hesitate to get in touch with us for informations.   



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